TypeRestoration of a historic monument, garden and terrace with pergola
LocationStraße 201, Nr. 2, 13156 Berlin-Pankow
ClientMax Lingner Foundation
Team LA.BAREike Richter, Rike Kirstein, Kirsten Krepelin, Isabel Güntzel
CooperationDr. Caroline Rolka, Gartendenkmalpflegerin
Costs166.000 EUR
Area980 sqm

The focus of the plan for the garden of the Max Lingner House is on the reconstruction of its appearance according to the original conception which the German garden architect Reinhold Lingner (he is not a relative of Max Lingner) carried out in1951. The characteristic differentiation of the garden into ‚patio’ - designed as the living space - and its ‚scenic surrounding' is to be reestablished and thus the visitors will be enabled to conjure up the atmosphere of the former garden. The reconstruction of the garden monument is based on a holistic approach and a precautious and prudent integration of the demands of the modern visitor, such as barrier free access, which is all in line with Lingners concept.

At the entrance of the garden a new historic fence typical for the 50s era was put. A taxus planting was replaced by a hornbeam hedge that runs along the fence and serves as a blind. The entrance staircase was rebuilt with a brick-on-end course in bricks. Furthermore, the stairs to the garage entrance were reconstructed using the material found in the garden. On the south side of the property a barrier-free access was built, which was made deliberately visible as a new addition to the historic garden (concrete pavement). The landscaped garden framing the house with the patio was developed in accordance with the original conception as a space with locally common plants that enhance the visual impression of shielding the house. To offer visitors a far more vivid contrast to the garden court again, later added plant beds and shrubs were removed and the former bleaching lawn was recreated.

Fotos: Andrea Elsper; LA.BAR